Make A Difference By Volunteering
To Help
A Caregiver
What is volunteering?
Volunteering is any activity that involves willingly giving time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit people or the environment.
Why Volunteer?
What if your talents, skills and passions could make a difference in the life of a caregiver? Pay it forward by volunteering now and being a part of a caring community that will support and relieve caregivers of some of their day to day duties. Our volunteers contribute their time to help Caregivers with simple tasks that have become more time-consuming or challenging, while others contribute to teams that maintain our operations.
Connecting with others is incredibly rewarding. Please take a minute to watch this short video, created by Mid Ulster Volunteer Center "Could you be a Volunteer?"
Volunteering can make a real difference to your own life and the lives of those around you.
Please take a couple of minutes to watch this short video "Volunteering your time. Giving in to Giving" by NBD.
Give in to Giving
What to expect as a Volunteer:
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life. Volunteering is an excellent way of achieving all of these and improving your wellbeing!
Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. Doing good for others and the community provides a natural sense of accomplishment.
Volunteering can make a real difference to your own life and the lives of those around you. It improves and strengthens local communities and can have a transformative effect for those who are recipients of support from volunteers. Complete our Caregiver Volunteer Application if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer with Frankie Mae Foundation.
What are the benefits of Volunteering
Benefits include:
Enhanced wellbeing
Feeling valued and appreciated
Increased self-confidence and sense of purpose
Being part of a team: feeling more connected
opportunities to meet new people
Learn new skills or develop existing ones
A great way of building on career opportunities
Can provide a route to employment (eg by developing skills and getting references)
Doing something for enjoyment
Satisfaction in helping others and knowing you make a difference.
Connecting with others is incredibly rewarding. Please take a minute to watch this short video, created by Mid Ulster Volunteer Center "Could you be a Volunteer?"
Do you need qualifications?
No, It is rare to need qualifications. But your skills, knowledge and experience will be a great asset. Sometimes we will need a specialists know-how like computer skills, including social media, project and time management, communication skills, finance and budgets to help caregivers with their day to day needs. Organizational skills are always useful too.
What age do I have to be to volunteer?
There is no legal reason why young people age 16 and 17 years cannot volunteer. However, children are classed as a ‘vulnerable group’, We at Frankie Mae Foundation will take on young volunteers and we are careful to protect them. Legally a child is defined as someone who is under 18 years old, or under and they must have their parents consent.
Spending some time with elders or vulnerable adults can be very meaningful for young people 16 years-old and under. They can volunteer but of course with adult supervision and in suitable safe environments. Learning the spiritual emptions of giving and helping others at a young age can help build character.
What information do you have to give to volunteer?
Frankie Mae Foundation will always keep your sensitive and personal information safe. We will need your name, address, age, phone number, and email address. Although depending on what you are volunteering to do, it can be more in-depth. We will need to check your driving license, if you will be volunteering to drive and also proof that your vehicle is road worthy.